Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sergey Brin Final Copy

Sergey Brin: The Co-Inventor of Google
By: Andrew Cody Yates
December 2, 2012





Andrew Yates

ITE 115

December 2, 2012

Professor Robert Maher


Sergey Brin

            Sergey Brin is one of the major technical pioneers of our time. He is the co-founder of Google. His invention has affected nearly everyone who lives on this planet. Sergey with the help of Larry Page created the largest public search engine in the entire world.

            Today of all research done on the internet 70% is done through Google, and 20% of research is done through Yahoo.  Only a mere 6% of online research is done on MSN* (Schonfield 2009). As you can tell in today’s time Google is the dominant search engine in the world, but two decades ago this wasn’t the case. It was predicted that over time Yahoo would be the dominant search engine of the future. Google though would rock the foundation of the internet, and become the world’s greatest search engine.

            The invention of Google was not only the accomplishment of Sergey Brin. A man named Larry Page also is accredited to the invention of Google. The both of them worked in concordance to make Google. Sergey and Larry met at Stanford University. They both were attending Stanford to receive their Ph.Ds. Little did Larry and Sergey know that they would change the internet world.

·         MSN stands for Microsoft Network


            The duo both realized that the search engines they had at the time were terrible. The way these search engines would operate was to take the search keywords that were used, and the search engine would find documents on the internet that used those words the most on their page. This would often lead to extremely inconclusive searches. Also would lead to a lot of wasted time.

            Brin and Page decided that it would be dramatically better to create a search engine that got results based on citations or “backlinks” (Vise and Malseed 2006), which means references back to one specific page. Brin and page used a math algorithm that would determine which sites had how much backlinks. Thus PageRank was born.  PageRank would revolutionize the search engine it would be the end to those old and un-useful search engines. With this new “PageRank” the two would go on to start the creation of Google. 

            To make Google work Sergey and Larry dispatched these programs called “spider” programs to go out and download the whole entire World Wide Web. Each time the both of them would dispatch these spider programs it would cost $20,000(Vise & Malseed, 2006). Google was starting to grow in size, and it was growing in popularity. The teachers and students of Stanford were using the new website called Google. Sergey and Larry knew that they would need more computers to match with the growth of Google, but they also knew they did not have the money to buy new computers. They decided they would buy old spare parts, and they would just build their own computers.

            Brin and Page decided to get the “PageRank” system patented (Vise and Malssed 2006) , and they would go on and try to sell the program for other websites to use. They went to AltaVista first, which was the number one search engine of the time. AltaVista shut them down though. They said they did not want to use something they did not invent. Sergey and Larry went to plenty of other companies to sell there “PageRank” system, but the story was ultimately the same. No one wanted to buy this new technology that they did not create.


            Then one day they had a scheduled meeting with Andy Bechtolsheim. Bechtolsheim loved the idea of Google and he gave the two 100,000(Vise & Malseed, 2006) to help fund Google. Brin and Page would then raise up some more money to go along with Bechtolsheim’s funding. The two ended up with 1 million dollars, and with that they turned Google into a company.  They also rented a building on the Stanford campus to be the hub of their business.

            Google was spreading faster than the two had ever imagined at this point now.  By 1999 Google was having 100,000 queries a day (Vise & Malseed, 2006), and just two years after that Google was receiving 100 million search queries a day.  Google was one of the largest internet companies in the world. Even after the dot.com collapse in 2000 Google stood firm as one of the top internet companies of the world. It was estimated in 2003 that ¾’s of all searches by 2003 were done through Google, and in 2004 Google went public with its stock.

            In today’s times you can go to anyone in the world and they will know what Google is. Google is and still remains the single largest search engine in the entire world. In 2008 it was estimated the 90% of all internet sources were done through Google (Schonfeld, 2009).  Sergey and Larry have created possibly one of the best internet inventions ever. That is there impact on modern technology.


Bibliography Page

-          Vise, D. A., & Malseed, M. (2006). The google story. Delacorte Pr.

-          Schonfeld, E. (2009, January 28). techcrunch.com. Retrieved from http://techcrunch.com/2009/01/28/google-gobbled-up-90-percent-of-all-us-search-growth-in-2008/

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