Monday, October 15, 2012

My Rehtorical Analysis Draft

This is my rhetorical analysis draft I hope you guys like it!

Andrew Cody Yates

Professor Brandon

October 9, 2012

English 111


                                                                  The Next 9/11?


In an article published September 10, 2012 in The Washington Times Dispatch Brett Decker wrote about the topic of another possible 9/11 scenario called The Next 9/11. Decker states in his editorial that the mixture of (in his opinion) a weak Obama Presidency and the fact that in todays times Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) are readily available to any nation or militant force will bring on another national disaster similar to 9/11. After reading “The Next 9/11”, I can understand where Decker is coming from in his position on the topic. I found majority of it persuasive except in one part of the piece.

I feel that Decker is trying to play on the fear of Americans and create a sort of hysteria with this article. He is trying to prophesize an event equally or more destructive than that of 9/11 one of the worst attacks on America ever. It is an eerie feeling when you read his article because, a part of you somewhat believes what he is saying because the evidence he is providing is factual. You see his evidence in the news everyday. The only thing I do not agree with that Decker states is that part of it is Obama’s fault. It would not necessarily the Presidents fault that attack of that magnitude would happen just because Obama has been somewhat of a weak leader. Terrorists will attack America no matter who the President is they do not differentiate.
After reading this article it is easy to see this is written to all Americans as a whole. Some people may have their biases and other influential factors, but we all know in the back of our minds one day another terrorist attack will come. That is what Decker is trying to say to the American people. We all know America has enemies around the world, and now with North Korea, the Taliban, Iran and many others with the capabilities to at any moment start a nuclear war  it is frightening. Decker believes that with the recent economic collapse, the weak Obama Presidency and those forces I just listed that are armed with WMDs make for  a perfect storm in a sense for another attack on American soil. I personally find trust in what Decker has to say because of  his position in the Washington Times.

In all after reading The Next 9/11 I felt the piece really hit home for me. I can remember to this exact day where and when I was when I heard about the 9/11 attacks, and after reading this piece it frightens me. The article was overall written well in the delayed thesis style. I recommend this article to anyone. It was in my opinion a good article.   

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