Tuesday, October 16, 2012

                        Why People Love to Hate the Yankees

Baseball has been an American past time for over a hundred years. Over the past century baseball has played a big part in American history. It has created good memories for us and the world. The Yankees are synonymous with baseball world wide. For good and bad reasons. If you are Yankees fan it is a good connection. For the rest of the baseball world it is bad. I personally am an Orioles fan and I can honestly say I hate the Yankees. They are an institution of the things to hate with baseball. Since they are rich they can just buy talent they will never be on the down end of the spectrum because they can go out and buy whoever they want. It is unfair for the lower market and mediocre teams because they can not afford to pay for these players hence these teams will always stay on the down side because they cannot afford to pull themselves out of the pit. Also these teams that are low market or just average when they do bring up talent they just serve as farm systems for the Yankees (and other teams like it). Because once their rookie contract or base contract ends once everyone knows who these players are and what they can do they want the money that follows and guess who is there to pay the money? the Yankees. It simply is unfair. Also I just hate the fact that the Yankees always seem to be the luckiest team in the league. Everything always just falls in place for them and its like angels in the outfield. It just seems fictitious. Finally the main reason I hate the Yankees is because of the fans. They believe they are better than the other fans of baseball because they are Yankees fans. They think they are the proverbial s***. They crowd every teams stadium in the league because they have so many bandwagon fans and it is annoying. Go to Baltimore or Tampa or even Oakland and it is majority Yankees fans. Since these fans crowd these stadiums it makes you not even want to see these teams play live. The Yankees fans that make these trips are rude, obnoxious and ultimately are just (excuse my french) asses. For these reasons and for more to come later are why I hate the New York Yankees.


  1. I cant believe i actually took the time to read this lol we dont buy our talent. Our players talent comes naturally to them! We do get lucky because our talent and skills is what gets us to championships and world series! The Orioles wouldnt know because they arent as good as us(; Ill admit there are some pretty wild and ruthless Yankee fans but thats just the way they are! True fans support our boys through good or bad, mostly good though haha(; Bandwagon fans are really annoying, i know. Im a die hard Yankee fan though, i was born into a Yankee family! Im a true fan. Orioles still suck :P bye(:

  2. Come on you know the Yankees buy there talent out of the 9 guys on the field only two have came through the farm system maybe three. Ichiro, Nick Swisher, A-Rod, Russell Martin, Raul Ibanez, Curtis Granderson, Mark Texeira, C.C. Sabathia, Jayson Nix, Andrew Jones, and all the rest have been bought from other teams. You can't deny that one!

  3. I also forgot you bought Huroki Kuroda, Michael Pineda and Rafael Soriano.

  4. It is just not special when the Yankees when championships because everyone knows that ring was bought. It is more special to see a team like the Giants or the Cardinals win because you can see the work they have put in to finding there own talent.
