Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rudy Review

                                     Rudy Review

          On wednesday I watched the movie Rudy. The movie is about a young man who goes against all odds to achieve his dream. Which is to play football for the University of Notre Dame.

           Rudy is a gripping and inspiring film. Rudy incorporates everything all great sports movies have. This includes: tragedy, hard work, perserverance and overall success. The movie is just so memorable and relatable. Rudy will make you feel many emotions. It may even for some people bring back childhood memories. I know this is the case for me.

          When I was younger I admired Rudy as I still do to this day. He inspired me to persue anything I set my mind to do. The movie is also the reason that I am a Notre Dame fan. Rudy has made such an impact in my life. For this reason it is why I recomend to you to watch it.

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